
Friday, March 11, 2016

Build paper airplanes and race them

This is just one of many really cool designs that you can choose from. Some videos on YouTube take longer than others and some are easier or more difficult. Pick out a plane that you would enjoy and let your spouse do likewise. After you have both made your planes take them outside and race them.

Relationship Connection:
Speak clearly with your spouse about your needs and wants in life. Sometimes we assume that our spouses should just know but all too often they don't.

Build a bird house

For those of you with some tools who would like share your wood working skills with your spouse here is a great date. Some of you however may not be as talented with wood working. You can go online to and find kits that have simplified this activity a great deal.

Relationship Connection:
For this date realize that you do not always need to be right in your relationship. Many people stir up arguments over insignificant reasons don't do this!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Make candles

Making candles can actually take a little bit of time but it will give you a great amount of time to talk and to strengthen your relationship with each other.

Relationship Connection:
During this date just spend quality time with each other, shrug off your cares and enjoy your friendship.

Sketch glass

Do things around your house look a little drab? To you want to add some more design? If you do this maybe the perfect date. Etching glass is a great way to add personality to both your relationship and your house.
It was hard to see what etched glass looked like in the video but this is a good picture of what a professional can do.  
Relationship Connection:
Etched glass can be so beautiful that is because there is creativity, thought, design and effort that is put into creating this beautiful artwork. Be certain to also make your marriage beautiful!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Monopoly for the married

I think board games like Monopoly are great! however I also feel that when you are married you need to play them with more incentive. For example you could play each other in Monopoly and who ever wins gets to decide what you will do for the next date or there could be other prizes associated with it.

Another fun idea is taking the board game and altering it to your own romantic life. Take pictures of places that you used to live and replace them with the properties like Park Place. You could also take pictures of places where you first met or have good memories and replace those pictures with the properties.

While your at it you can also alter the chance and community chest bucket. With this activity the sky is the limit.

Relationship Connection:
Little things can make a big difference in your marriage. Even doing something like spicing up a game of Monopoly can make it more meaningful. On any given day do nice things for your spouse that would make him or her feel appreciated.

Sign Language

The <b>Sign</b> <b>Language</b> Alphabet - HowStuffWorks

There are people in our society who are unable to communicate through the traditional ways of speech because of hearing impairment.   

For some period of time set a goal with your spouse to learn how to speak sign language. I think that doing so will open a lot of doors and you and your spouse will be able to make new friends because of it. This can but does not have to be a series of consecutive date nights. It is possible that you could learn just a few new signs every day, eventually they will add up.

Relationship Connection:
Setting goals together is a great way for couples to bond and align their relationship.

Relationship date tip

 Sometimes life isn't exactly how we perceive it to be. In the video the man left a sticky note saying that it was a terrible lie that she didn't have a phone number and perhaps he could have thought many different things about why she would not talk to him.

 Young woman/old woman illusion
This is a photo from a book entitled 7 habits of highly effective people, you can see both an old women and a young women. But what you see all depends on how you look at it.

Relationship Connection:
Be careful with how you treat you spouse (and your children as well) It may be that we think that their intentions are mean or unkind but we find out that they really have the best of intentions and are very sweet. It could be a terrible embarrassment if we acted in anger when we shouldn't have.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Message in a bottle

Download Beach Message In A Bottle Wallpaper | Free Wallpapers
Pretend that you two or your family were some of the last people on the earth and you wanted to preserve a message for some future people.

What would you write on the note ?

For this date come up important messages that you feel the world should know and put them in a bottle!

Relationship Connection:
Be genuine and sincere when you visit with your spouse. This will give your marital relationship more value. Also find value in all of the simple things that you take for granted and express gratitude.

Paint by the number

Fashion By The Numbers - NYC Blog: Men's Fashion, Retail and Visual ...
I remember as a kid I would visit my grandparents house and there were many paintings on the wall that were beautiful. I for a long time believed that they were professional and I suppose you could call them that and you would be correct. 

These paintings I saw at my grandparents house were actually painted from paint by the number kits. They have a variety of levels ranging from beginner to advanced.

Go to your local arts and crafts store and pick up a paint by the number kit and together make a painting of something meaningful to the both of you.

Relationship Connection:
Try to be positive in life and look forward to life with the ups and downs. Be creative as you approach the opportunities that life gives you. 

Leather work

Just An Ordinary Family: Moccasins
For this date try your hand at leather work! There are a variety of options for this date. You can visit your local arts and crafts stores and pick up kits to make a wallet, belt, moccasins or other things. If your interested in getting out of the house for longer Tandy Leather offers classes where they teach you the basics of leather work.   

Relationship Connection:
Take time together to explore your talents, this will deepen your relationship and help you feel greater confidence in your self and each other as you master new tasks.

Qoute by Bob Moorehead

Enchanting Beauty Burj Khalifa Skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab ...

“The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small character, steep profits and shallow relationships.

These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember, to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person might not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.”

― Bob Moorehead, Words Aptly Spoken

Facebook or social media date!

facebook | Postcards from Barcelona
 It may be that this idea sounds really bizarre but I don't think it is. People post many thoughts and insights on pages like Facebook, Pintrest and others. Go onto each others social media sites and talk about what has been posted. Perhaps Facebook could bring back a lot of memories or Pintrest could show a variety of clever fun insights that you could bond over.

Relationship Connection:
Make certain that you are connected more with your spouse than you are with technology. Technology is a great thing but some people get so lost in it that they forget about who and what really matter the most.

Coloring book

 So maybe this sounds a little bit childish but for this date go to the dollar store and pick out some really fun coloring books together. Batman or Barbie your pick! I may not be a child any more but hey I still like to color, watch cartoons and eat Capt'n Crunch. After your date post your pictures on the fridge.

Relationship Connection:
Life is a really beautiful thing and we are the artists of our life. Choose to color your marriage with wonderful opportunities frequently through the day. Share a conversation with each other, take your kids to the park or find memorable opportunities. Leave worry and complaining behind.

Lincoln Logs!


Decide to build something creative on your date with Lincoln Logs! It could be a space station, library or the first place you met. Either way be creative and have fun doing this.

Relationship connection:
How are you and your spouse building your lives? are you moving in a direction that you want to be moving in ? If not what can you do to change it?

Monday, March 7, 2016

Science date!

Sometimes when we think of science we think of a college text book and a lot of hard hours of study. Not all science is like that there are fun science experiments that you can do at home that would make for an enjoyable evening together. The YouTube video above is just one of the many that can give you great ideas.

Search through some more YouTube videos with your spouse and pick out science experiments you would like to do.

Relationship Connection:
We live in such an amazing world. Right now you are using the internet to access this blog and how cool is that! Be thankful for all of the little things in life but more importantly be thankful for each other.

Para-cord wristband/bracelet

Wide Paracord Bracelet 

There are all sorts of YouTube videos that can show you how to make a variety of crafts from para-cord. Some of these crafts include key ring fobs, leashes, wrist bands and more.

Take some time to search youTube or other craft sites to determine what you would like to make. Perhaps you could create a para-cord wedding ring! (just for fun)

Supplies can be picked up at Wal-Mart or virtually any craft store!

Relationship Connection:
Don't let life get dull or boring pick an activity that interests you and your spouse then develop new talents together.

Be a movie star!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be your own movie star? For this date, the sky is the limit, you can make a comedy or a family documentary. Whatever you choose to do have fun!

Most phones have cameras on them but if your camera phone is not very good you can pick up really cheap mini cameras from Wal-Mart.

Relationship Connection:
For this date make sure to record great memories to look back on; make sure the video will put a smile on your face years down the road when you go back to watch it.

Changing a car tire

I know for me, I have had many tire blow outs and I haven't had the money to pay a tow truck driver to come and switch out the tire. Knowing how to change a blow out is a fundamental skill that every one should have. For this date learn how to change out the tire on your car or truck.

Relationship Connection:
Life has a way of throwing us curb balls but if we prepare for them it can be less stressful on our relationship.

Make a pinata

Image titled Make a Piñata Step 5
It may not be any ones birthday and there may not be any thing real exciting to celebrate but you should make a pinata any way, just so that you can have some fun. At the web site listed below there are instructions for how you can make your own pinata.


Relationship Connection:
Doing this activity can get kind of messy. Sometimes our life can become messy as well. How can we take something that is challenging like debt and turn it into something creative?

Shave a balloon

Shave a balloon | but don't pop it! | By: trynnatee | Flickr - Photo ... 

 For this date you will get to compete with your spouse to see who has better shaving skills! Perhaps one of you could compete with a leg razor while your spouse uses a face razor (make things interesting). It may be the case that some shaving cream is easier to work with while other shaving cream is not.

Get two balloons and blow them up to the same size and then see who can shave off the most shaving cream!

Relationship Connection:
Shaving a balloon can take a lot of patience especially if you pop it. For this date remember how important it is to always be patient with our spouse.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Which language is your favorite?

Do you think other languages are beautiful?  Perhaps a fun date idea might be too come up with a list of different languages, then go on YouTube and look up Disney songs that are sung in each of the languages and then choose which one is your favorite.

Tip: Try to look for language that you have never even heard of before.

Relationship Connection:
Spend a carefree evening together just enjoying the arts with out interruption from out side distractions.

Creat a new food together

Chocolate Peanut Butter Acai Bowl

Some people gain popularity because of their inventions and others because of a painting  they paint or song they sing. Perhaps on this date you will get lucky and create a new type of food that is ever so delicious.

Get with your spouse and go to the store (or look through your cabinets) and find different ingredients you could mix together to create something yummy.

 You may find out that you create a great dish or you could make something that is horrible... Either way this could  make for a really fun date.

Relationship Connection:
During this date think up really good ideas about how you can spice up your relationship. Perhaps you could bake up a new family tradition or spend time developing new talents but whatever it is let it bond your family together.

Principle # 3 Don't hang on to anger on a date


Have you ever become angry at somebody and you have a really hard time letting go of it? When this happens you can play a game with them or you can go to the park but whatever your doing you always have a chip on your shoulder and it kind of ruins whatever experience you have.

The principle here is to forgive and to not hold hostile feelings while you are on a date. If you do this it will be hard to truly enjoy any experience that you have and you will just put up a wedge.

Often times our body language is very transparent even if your trying to hide your feelings. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Principle for dating # 2

I am certain that you have seen this before... You begin speaking to a couple and one of them makes a comment, such as, "It was October 1999 when I started at the old factory" then the spouse interrupts and says "no John remember it was November when you started at the old factory." Then of course they bicker between each other trying to convince the other of what month it was. Of course as you sit listening to them you wonder to yourself if the month he started at the factory is really the point of the conversation or if it really matters at all. Just then John continues on with the story still feeling agitated by his spouse and of course she will feel equally agitated by him for disagreeing.

What a marital wedge!

Squabbling about small insignificant details really does not promote a happy marriage especially when that squabbling is in public.

Try to show care and concern for your spouse and care more about what they are saying rather than tearing them down for an unimportant fact. 

Care about your spouse Date Principle #1

Pin by The Plano Eye Care Center on Eye Quotes | Pinterest

I'm certain that this has happened to you before; you speak to some one and they may acknowledge you with a uh uh or okay but their attention is some where else. You may even wonder why you even bother. In Zig Zigglars book he stated that when affairs occur it doesn't happen because the betraying party is exceptionally attractive but rather it is because of the interest that that person takes in the significant other.

We cannot have a lasting marriage if we are not sincere and active about taking true and genuine interest in our spouse.     

When your spouse speaks to you take the headphones out of your ears, turn off the T.V or do whatever it takes to give them you full, sincere and undivided attention. 

Be interested.

P.S if your spouse is telling the same story that you have heard a thousand times DON'T SHUT THEM DOWN. Instead listen to them as though this is the first time you have heard the story. Dismissing the story will not welcome loving feelings. Besides you might make a new connection.

Can you rip paper?

 How to Tear a Phone Book, in Half Tearing a phone book in half is a ...
I know that the title of this blog sounds really funny, But I have a challenge for you and your spouse on this date. Get a couple of phone books or just printer paper and start off by ripping one sheet of paper then rip two sheets of paper at once and then progressively work up to 5, 10 or 15 sheets of paper, trying to rip them all at the same time.

The competition here between you and your spouse is to see who could rip the most sheets of paper at one time.

Could you imagine if you saw someone pick up a phone book and rip the whole thing at once?

Relationship Connection:
In Zig Zigglars book Courtship After Marriage he says that he lost 37 pounds in ten months by losing 1.9 ounces per day. Ziggler also wrote a 384 page book that sold 2,000,000 copies by writing an average of 1.26 pages a day. Turn to your spouse and ask each other what small things are you doing in your life that will either turn out really good or really bad? What changes do you need to make in your personal life or in your marriage? Is it debt or spending too much time on social media?

A Simple Act of Kindness By David Harris

A simple act of kindness
can stop a million tears.
A little hug
can give so much joy.
A letter now and then to someone
can save so many wasted years.
We should hold every moment precious
and help as many as we can
with a simple act of kindness
every now and then.
The world would be a better place
if we all cared a little more.
Imagine how many smiling faces
would greet us at the door
if we extended that helping hand
with a simple act of kindness
that could spread across many lands.

Relationship Connection:
If you ride a bike and look in any certain direction for long enough you will likely begin to drift in that direction. If we think negative thoughts about our partner we will begin feeling those negative emotions and we will begin acting on them. Let us try to think positive thoughts about our spouse so that we will treat them in a positive way.

Voice over

Have you ever watched a movie that was put on mute? It can be really annoying... But for this date you might be able to spice it up a little and make it really fun.

Pick out a movie, it could be goofy or romantic or whatever. Mute the movie and then improvise for what the actors are saying. This could be really fun.

Relationship connection:
We should take time to bond through light humor and laughter!

Job shadow your spouse

How to Stay Focused at Work

I have asked people what their spouse did for work and I got a really ambiguous answer. Sometimes people can parrot or regurgitate what their spouse told them but they do not truly understand the ins and outs of it all.

For this date job shadow your spouse (if it is possible) and really get a feel for what they do on the job. Going on this type of date could give you a greater appreciation for them and what they do.

Relationship Connection:
We should show gratitude to our significant others for all they do. I believe that this is especially true when our spouses have boring, hard or dangerous jobs.

Be the authors of a new game!

Checkers - 2 Players is a Gorgeous Box of Checkers for Your iPad ...
 There are many fun and exciting games out there that you can play. Some of these games are electronic others are athletic and some of them involve little pieces and a board.

Games are a great way to relieve stress and enjoy other people's company. For this date try to make a new game up with your spouse that you could enjoy together or with your children as well.

You set the rules and the limits so be creative and enjoy yourselves. 

Relationship Connection:
Trying to make up rules and set up boundaries is both very difficult as well as being a necessary part of life. Games help us learn how to do this when we play.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Date in Pig Latin

 Related Pictures psychiatrist medium by rmay tagged robots programmer ...

Are you fluent in Pig Latin or Igpay Atinlay? Well that is okay if you are not because you will be with a little practice. Ehow can give you some good tips and advice on how you can speak the language. There are also a variety of other websites and YouTube videos that will teach you how to do this as well. If all the rules seem nuanced, convoluted or are difficult to grasp you can simplify the rules a little bit. Simply just take the first letter of a word and put it at the end of the word you are trying to say and add ay to it. Igpay Atinla or pig latin. Some words don't work like Psychology, so you can simply just say psychology.

It is true Pig Latin is a pretend language but your kids don't know that and maybe if you go on a date night out in public the waiter won't know either!

Here is a fun idea... Dress up in fun costumes; you can dress up like aliens, people from ancient times or you could dress up like its the year 2075.

Make certain that the house is decorated as well and then cook a unique meal while speaking in Pig Latin. It will make it all the more fun if your children come home and you surprise them!

Relationship Connection:
To keep your marriage strong and healthy you must always be building your relationship and creating fun memories that you will cherish and adore.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Commemorative Air Force

The B-52. (U.S. Air Force photo)

Take your time exploring a piece of history at the Commemorative Air Force! You can view a variety of Air Planes that served a big purpose  in world history. Here you can even book a flight on some of these old planes!

2017 N. Greenfield Rd
Mesa, AZ 85215
(480) 924-1940

Relationship Connection: 
You may have relatives that had a part during this time. Take some time to dive into your past and see who you discover. This will bring you closer by knowing more of who you are and where exactly you've come from.

Statues in down town Mesa


This date is all about relaxing and enjoying a little tranquility.  Visit the down town statues. You can check out information here at Down Town Mesa. Pack up a picnic and enjoy each others company for the afternoon.

Relationship Reconnection:
Your spouse has a lot of admirable qualities.  It's your job to point them out.  Take turns and set the timer on your phone and list as many qualities for each other as you can in 60 seconds. Highlighting each others strengths can contribute to the health of your relationship! 

Pheonix Art Museum

Phoenix Art Museum | Phoenix Art | Phoenix Things to do |

Come and visit the Phoenix Art Museum, here they have lots of art ranging from historical to modern and every thing that falls in between!

1625 N. Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85004-1685 (602) 257-1880 

Relationship Reconnection:
The power of empathy is key to a strong relationship.  Empathy requires compassion and compassion builds a bond.  This bond is what holds a relationship together.  One way to practice empathy is to give genuine attention when our spouse is speaking.  When you are genuinely listening, you are focusing on them and taking action to truly understand them.  Listen without focusing on your own response.  Truly listen. 

Phoenix Zoo

Captive Tiger Stock Photo
Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos
There is so much to see and experience at the Phoenix zoo.  There are many exhibits and experiences available.  Go see your favorite animal and enjoy the beautiful outdoors.  Visit Phoenix Zoo to find out more.

Relationship Reconnection:
Relationships are strengthened by seeking out the positive in each other.  See how many good things you can think of about each other.  When we focus on the good in a person, we are much less likely to become irritated or annoyed with them.  Focusing on their positive qualities can help you reconnect and foster love and compassion.

Grand Canyon

Debate Over Grand Canyon's Age May Finally Be Over
UniversalImagesGroup via Getty Images
The Grand Canyon competes with the rest of the world for being one of the most beautiful and mysterious places to visit. Why not take a romantic visit to see one of the natural wonders that are in your own back yard.

Relationship Reconnection:
There is nothing that can improve a relationship as much as vulnerability.  As difficult as it is to be truly authentic and vulnerable, the rewards are worth it.  To really build trust in a relationship, vulnerability is necessary.  Now it's your time to practice vulnerability and improving your trust.  Be open and talk about things that have been difficult or sensitive to open up about before.  Ask your spouse to do the same.  As you both become a little more vulnerable, your trust will increase and you'll be able to reconnect in a new way.

Apache Lake Apache Lake

Take a trip too Apache Lake! A great place where you can go boating, fishing, water skiing, hiking or camping. Apache Lake is also an exciting place to see desert wildlife! Just 65 miles north-east of Phoenix.

Relationship Reconnection:
Many times couples are so busy with life that they don't take the time to communicate about feelings and needs that are most important to them.  Couples that don't deeply communicate often create emotional distance between themselves which can lead to our deepest feelings being neglected or pushed aside. Now is your time to really deeply communicate. Take time to open up about needs and desires in your marriage. You'll see that intimacy will increase and trust will be improved.

Frankies Cheese Steaks

best greek food

Visit Greek Town Restaurant! Greek Town has been in operation for over five decades and has been voted best in Phoenix 15 times.

 Phone: 602-674-8881
Address 8519 N. 7th St. Phx. AZ 85020

Relationship Reconnection:
This seems so simple, but with the business of life, we can loose sight of not only our needs, but our spouses needs too. Have a conversation about the things that really make each of you truly happy.  Find out what really gives your spouse joy, and then make this a priority.  Learning what feels the other person with joy can really help you feel closer. Individual joy and happiness can improve your relationship and bring it more joy too.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Starry night

Before we know it winter will be here! It is time to take advantage of the warmer weather before it’s too late! I know star gazing might be a little corny but, this really is a very beautiful setting for you and your spouse to relax, hold each other tight, and catch up on each other’s lives
Get out of the city to where the lights don’t shine but only the stars. Bring lots of pillows and blankets to keep comfy. If you have a truck, fill the bed with blankets and pillows. Bring some hot chocolate and grab your favorite snack to munch on. Now create a fun memory together.

Relationship Reconnection:
While enjoying the beautiful night sky, talk about non-defensive communication. What is this? Sometimes we find ourselves offended when our spouse gives us some criticism or feedback. We can either choose to be offended or use the feedback to better ourselves. Talk to your spouse about how non-defensive communication can strengthen your marriage and feel even closer. Share ways in which this can help your marriage grow even more. Also share when it is appropriate to do so. Make sure you both of you are on the same page.

Farmers Market ABC's

Grab your spouse and go to your local farmers market. Play farmers market ABCs. It’s really simple! See who can find something that starts with every letter of the alphabet first. While you’re at it,  try lots of free samples! It is always yummy trying the fresh foods the market has to offer.

Relationship Reconnection:
When relating to your spouse it is important to listen and empathize. We all know what it means to listen, to really listen. It is more than hearing the words, it is truly understanding and accepting the other person’s message and also in their situation and feelings. Empathy means understanding another person so well that you identify with them, you feel how they feel. Kind of like the expression walking in their shoes. With your spouse talk about empathy responding and practice what is appropriate in your relationship and what is not. Try to show empathy towards each other on your date and really listen to what your spouse has to say. Have fun!

A recipe for success

Baking Ingredients And Utensils Stock Photo
Photo Courtesy of Mister GC at

Do you ever feel like it's challenging with kids to get out and go on a date.  Well, how about a stay at home date?  I've got five fun and free stay at home dates for you.

How about try your hand at some  baking?  What's not to love about the smells of pumpkin and spices? Bake up something sweet together and then share the treat.  If you need some inspiration, cruise pinterest together for a mouthwatering recipe.

Relationship Reconnection:
While you're baking up some sweet treats, do a little flirting, touching, and cuddling.  A little physical sweetness can go a long way in sparking that flame and reconnecting.

Cupcake Wars

Have you ever watched the show Cupcake wars on Food Network?  Turn this show into your favorite at home date night.  This date night can be done with each other or with a group.  Create your own cupcake wars by buying a bunch of ingredients that would be fun to make into cupcakes.  Remember to get decorations as well to make it more fun.  Give yourself a theme and a time limit to cook 12 cupcakes.  Take the cupcakes over to a neighbors house at the end of the date, and have them judge the cupcakes according to: best taste, best use of theme, best appearance.  This date will have you using your creative side, and can be very fun!

Relationship Connection:
After the activity portion of the date, cuddle up in some blankets and watch cupcake wars on Netflix. Spend
time choosing your favorite cupcakes, and enjoying the show.


This date night is a little different then the regular. This date requires service and selflessness. Together, you and your spouse will do random acts of kindness all over town. Even the littlest things can make a big impact in someone’s life. I have compiled a list that might be something you and your spouse would like to do together.  
  • Leave kind notes
  • Bake cookies for the neighbors
  •   Visit the old folk’s home
  •   Mow your neighbor’s lawn or rake their leaves

There are several things that can be done to help your community and neighbors. You will be surprised how great it feels to help others.

Relationship Reconnection:
Before, during, after, or whatever floats your boat, Try to know what is happening in your partner’s world. Sometimes we get so caught up with our own lives, we forget about people that are most important to us. Really communicate by asking each other questions and truly reconnect.

Fall in love with this questionnaire

Image Courtesy of
  Okay, so you aren’t really going to fall in love with the questionnaire, but hopefully be more in love with your spouse. A study was done to explore intimacy levels between two strangers. During this study couples had a list of questions to ask and answer. They rated their intimacy level with their fellow participant before and after the questionnaire. Many couples rated their intimacy levels higher after engaging in the questionnaire together. It takes 20-30 minutes to ask each other these questions. It is a great way to spend time together, and get to know each other all over again.

Here is the link to the questions: 36 Questions

Quality time together

  UNO Card Game - Free Shipping
Take some time to just relax and be together. Watch a favorite movie, play a card game or just talk with each other. A fun video to watch together is Weird Things All Couples Do found here. This channel has a few videos about couples, and could be something relaxing to do together. Find time to be together, that is the key to a successful date. 

Revitalize that Relationship!
Sexual intimacy is an important part of a healthy marriage. Sexual relations isn’t just about the physical, but is very mental and emotional. Plan a night when you can spend time together without interruptions or other engagements. If you have children, find a babysitter and get a hotel room or arrange time so you can be together.