The Ongoing Gratitude Date

When was the last time you thanked your spouse? For making the bed, helping with dishes, watching the children, or working all day? Now is the time to start thanking your spouse as part of your weekly date night. Have a notebook beside your bed or wherever you will remember to write in it. At the end of the day take one minute and write down a reason you are thankful for your spouse. It shouldn’t be the same every day. Sometime during your date night, share a few reason you are thankful for your spouse, and have them do the same. This is also a great time for communication. For example, “I’m grateful you took the kids while I finished dinner, if you could continue to do that when you can I would really appreciate it,” Your spouse can do the same with you. Being grateful shows that you see the good that your spouse is doing and not just seeing where they lack. This activity doesn’t have to be limited to just once a week, however, if you aren’t in the habit of expressing that gratitude, this is a great way to start!
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