
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Create an enviroment of growth and development

Enjoy the great outdoors and let your love grow just like the nature all around you.
When you are around beautiful things you are able to have more appreciation for
what is right next to you. Often times couples forget that in order to grow closer together they need to have appreciation. Recognize what your spouse does for you, and do little things daily for them. 

The skill to learn: Couple Councils 
 Hold regular couple council meetings. This provides couples with the opportunity to discuss issues directly related to their marriage relationship. Couples who regularly visit together about their relationship are more likely to nip marriage problems in the bud.
Robert L. Simpson (1982) understood the importance couple councils
·         Every couple whether in the first or the twenty-first year of marriage, should discover the value of pillow-talk time at the end of the day - the perfect time to take inventory, to talk about tomorrow. And best of all, it’s a time when love and appreciation for one another can be reconfirmed. The end of another day is also the perfect setting to say, “I’m sorry about what happened today, please forgive me.” We are all imperfect, and these unresolved differences allowed to accumulate day after day, add up to a possible breakdown in the marital relationship - all for the want of better communication.
No matter what age or stage of life you are in together, make sure you are both valuing the same things and working towards those values even when the times are hard or difficult. Your love needs to be valued just as much as your sleep at the end of the day! Let your love grow!

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