
Friday, March 4, 2016

Can you rip paper?

 How to Tear a Phone Book, in Half Tearing a phone book in half is a ...
I know that the title of this blog sounds really funny, But I have a challenge for you and your spouse on this date. Get a couple of phone books or just printer paper and start off by ripping one sheet of paper then rip two sheets of paper at once and then progressively work up to 5, 10 or 15 sheets of paper, trying to rip them all at the same time.

The competition here between you and your spouse is to see who could rip the most sheets of paper at one time.

Could you imagine if you saw someone pick up a phone book and rip the whole thing at once?

Relationship Connection:
In Zig Zigglars book Courtship After Marriage he says that he lost 37 pounds in ten months by losing 1.9 ounces per day. Ziggler also wrote a 384 page book that sold 2,000,000 copies by writing an average of 1.26 pages a day. Turn to your spouse and ask each other what small things are you doing in your life that will either turn out really good or really bad? What changes do you need to make in your personal life or in your marriage? Is it debt or spending too much time on social media?

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