
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dress up and In

Sometimes there are date nights when you just feel the need to put on your best clothes, get all dressed up, and have a special night out with your spouse. There are also those times when you want to do that but circumstances make it almost impossible. Well, here is an idea: Why don't you dress up all fancy and get looking good for your spouse, and then dine IN?

Whether you make the fancy dinner yourself, or you order take-out from your favorite restaurant, dining in can be just as rewarding and fun, if not more, than going out and doing the same thing. I personally love getting fancy food and then bringing it home to share a fancy date night with my spouse. This will give you a chance to talk uninterrupted, and you will also feel more comfortable because it is within your own home. This gives you the best of both worlds: you get to dress up and have a fancy dinner, but you get the comfort of your home and you get to save a little money this way too.

Don't Forget To Reconnect!
This date night leaves a lot of room for conversation, so take advantage of it! The challenge for tonight is to leave the cell phones and computers and tablets on silent and in another room so that they won't be a distraction, and really see where the conversation takes you. Technology has lead to some great discoveries and many wonderful opportunities for consumers, but it has also been widely known to hinder the conversations and relationship that we have within our marriage. Take time to be with each other, without technology, and you will notice how nice it is and will want to do it more often!

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